We were thrilled to attend the official inauguration ceremony of Park InnovAARE. In just four years, the Switzerland Innovation Park in Villigen has become a state-of-the-art, research-oriented innovation park. The innovation park sits next to the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). Together with other start-ups and technology transfer centers, we from Datalystica, moved in at theContinue reading “Park InnovAARE inauguration”
Category Archives: Announcements
We got a new address
We are thrilled to share that we have a new address. We officially moved to the brand-new office building at Park innovAARE. Here’s to endless possibilities and groundbreaking collaborations! We can’t wait to thrive in this dynamic environment.
Source apportionment workshop
15./16. December 2023 IIT Bombai, Mumbai (Victor Menezes Convention Centre (VMCC)) The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) and the partners of the Clean Air Project India (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), National Environmental Engineering and Research Institute (NEERI) and the University of Bern) funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation cordially invite youContinue reading “Source apportionment workshop”
Datalystica @ EAC2023
We are present at the European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2023 in Malaga. We look forward to connecting with you at our booth or join us at the poster session (Monday) to talk about the latest advances in real-time source apportionment. Also don’t miss all the talks and posters from the incredible SoFi users community! EACContinue reading “Datalystica @ EAC2023”
New: Datalystica YouTube channel
We launched our new YouTube channel! Dive into a world of informative tutorial videos tailored to help you master SoFi. We help you getting started with SoFi, learn new skills and stay up-to-date on the newest functions in SoFi. Our YouTube channel provides easy-to-follow tutorials on everything from starting SoFi to showing you some tipsContinue reading “New: Datalystica YouTube channel”