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Minimum data requirement

< 1 min read

To run PMF, SoFi requires a data matrix (time points vs variables), a time series with the measurement points in time format and a variable list. The variable list needs to be in a numeric format. If the numeric values correspond to the variables (e.g. m/z), SoFi can automatically create a text wave otherwise the variable list also needs to be provides as a text wave (e.g. ion fragment name, name of elements, …). To run PMF, also a error matrix is required. If the data is loaded from a .xls(x) file, the error matrix can be calculated during the import.

The raw data needs to be stored under root:SoFi:External_data:Raw_input. If the import data function is used, the data is automatically loaded into the right place. The import functions supports .itx, .xls(x), .csv, .dat and .txt files.

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