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Criteria list

1 min read

Several different criteria can easily be defined in SoFi. The criteria are color-coded according to their type. Currently single points (1D), images (2) and movies (3D) are monitored and following types of criterion are supported: 

  • average (single value per PMF run that could come from any accessible variable in the time series or profile, most often used)
  • sum (single value as the sum)
  • multilinear regression (up to five variable supported)
  • different correlation types (R Pearson, R Spearman, Kendall Tau, Cosine similarity (R uncertainty))

The user can select a criteria through the drop-down menus or can add or modify them manually if the criterion syntax (see manual) is strictly followed. Combined criterion are possible.

Besides the color-code based on the criteria type, criteria valid only for a selected period are visualized in bold. The criteria that should be used for sorting of unconstrained factors can be selected by pressing shift and are highlighted in black. Only criteria that are checked will be evaluated.

The small overview table showing the defined criteria is always visible from the first tab. The batch table that contains all information to a criterion, like exact time point chosen, type of data (abs or fraction) or resolution, can be consulted from the second tab.

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